Pay off your High education contract and get a chance to win 100% cashback


Pay off your High education contract and get a chance to win 100% cashback

Good news for students. Now, when you pay for a contract for a public university through the Anorbank app, you get a chance to win up to 100% cacheback on the amount of your payment.

The terms are simple - during the promotion period, you need to make a contract payment of UZS 1 million or more in the Anorbank app and you automatically become a participant.

All you need to do is:

  • Go to the app;
  • In the search under "Payment" type the word "university";
  • Enter your PINFL in the search;
  • Enter the required amount.

As a reminder, payment of HEI contracts in the app is commission free.

The number of winners will be 6:

  • 1st place 1 winner - 100% cashback on the transaction
  • 2 place 2 winners - 50% cashback on transaction
  • 3 place 3 winners - 30% cashback on transaction

Winners will be determined by random number generator.

* the promotion will last until 01.07.2024.

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